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Customers frequently asked questions about Solar Beam systems

1、How many zones can connect to panel? For the moment ,we have 9 sets of host unit , the least one support 4 defense zones, the most one ...




Comprehensive security management platform

The development of security system is from independent subsystem to simple linkage. Through the security system management software and the Internet network, each independent security subsystem including access control, burglar alarm, video monitoring, fire detection alarm can be linked to each other. Early security video management platform, the personnel on duty can see the images recorded by each video head through the monitor at any time. However, with the expansion of security application scope and the increasing number of cameras, people can no longer watch a large number of video information and timely intervene in accidents to protect the safety of life and property. Security management software has been further upgraded, with smart video analysis technology enabling the security system to detect and actively issue alerts in time.

For building security, city security and other large security projects, customized security management platform can be designed according to the needs and the most effective and timely to detects crime, fire and other initiatives, it will automatically prevent it in time.




Security service alarm system is an alarm center to build a set of alarm management platform. Install alarms and detection equipment for users who need burglar alarm services. Through the network alarm software, the alarm detected by these scattered alarms is transmitted to the management platform through various transmission methods, and the central platform is unified to deal with the alarm situation, and the operator handles the alarm situation instantly, so that the users are protected from losses.

Security Service Development history:

90's: telephone line alarm, connected by landline telephone line

2000s: GPRS alarm, also known as wireless network alarm, is usually a phone card, 2G to 4G

After 2014, the video network alarm.After the emergence of the network high-definition camera, the camera can be connected with the alarm system, and the network alarm can see the scene.

After 2020, the network operation, in addition to the camera, fire protection, smart home, GPS positioning, fire fighting, broadcasting and a series of security products, can be unified docking in the network alarm platform, to achieve a large platform and large joint defense.

With the advent of high-definition webcam, video signals can be transmitted in time and live images can be transmitted in real time.Video network alarm can be timely access to the scene of the alarm, timely elimination of false alarm and elimination of police forces to prevent crime and capture criminals.

Video surveillance alarm and anti-theft alarm integration is divided into: on-site field docking and background docking.

The scene field docking means through the host, it can connect the camera, the burglar alarm detectors together, alarm image with video will pop up in the security service monitor. Focus EAVS and video alarm host is such a security service alarm system.

Backstage docking, front-end monitoring and alarm are separate, from the backstage, they are connected together. It will also receive video pop-up notify.




With the development of technology, security alarm equipment has also developed from telephone networking phone alarm to SMS alarm, APP alarm, email alarm.

For home security, this greatly facilitates the need for people to view the safety situation at home anytime and anywhere. But for commercial security, SMS alarm, APP alarm, email alarm seems to be easy to be ignored.

Therefore, PSTN telephone alarm and wired detector are still favored by security service providers and engineers. Safety and reliability is the most important requirement of security system.

The development of security alarm system can not be convenient and lose safety and reliability. Security alarm system manufacturers use intelligent network new technology based on the safety and reliability.

Then, the developed security alarm system can be used safely in banks, hotels and industrial and commercial industries. Through the intelligent analysis of security system and equipment, the intrusion etc. event can be judged more quickly and accurately.



People need to increase their security awareness to cope with the increasing crime. A place with a large number of people is where crime often occurs. Installing an emergency alarm system will do the most to prevent crime and save many people.

One-click emergency alarm system is suitable for the safety protection of hospitals, schools, dormitories and communities. The integrated alarm service panel is connected with police center and broadcasting in campus or hospital, community. So, one-click alarm will trigger the broadcasting and police center for notify. CCTV camera will record the evidence and track the crime.

Campus one-click emergency alarm system Mei 'an Technology based on cloud computing, Internet of Things technology, mobile Internet technology as one of the special suitable for campus personnel.

An emergency video alarm networking platform.This platform integrates video alarm, voice alarm, networked alarm, alarm positioning, network alarm and telephone line alarm into one, with timeliness and convenience of alarm.

Concealment, automatic pop-up alarm positioning and other functions, greatly solve the problems of the existing alarm system defects, real-time to meet the needs of the school staff alarm.One - key alarm equipment is mainly installed in the campus doormen, playgrounds, dormitories, restaurants, teaching buildings, bathrooms, lecture halls, libraries and other places should be equipped with appropriate equipment according to different occasions. During emergencies, mass incidents, terrorist incidents, Call the police for help.



We should work together to create a stable and united society. We hope that the incidence of crime will decrease and no one will get hurt.




perimeter security project requirement:

The security project requires to provide a perimeter alarm system for a perimeter fence (hanging net) or isolation belt (buried) to prevent outside illegal intrusion in 24 hours. The security project requires that once illegal person attempts to break over the wall and enter into inside, the detection unit laid on the spot can immediately sense the intrusion signal, and transmit the intrusion signal to the alarm host in the security service room. The alarm host will analyze and process the received signal and trigger linked sound and light alarm. The alarm host can output the switching signal to the hard disk video recorder and take intrusion picture as record.

Intelligent optical fiber perimeter security system is a security alarm system constructed by high-tech technologies such as laser, optical fiber sensing and optical communication. It is a modern defense system for monitoring and alarming for public security emergencies threatening . It is a new system based on optical fiber sensing technology applied to perimeter monitoring and protection.

Ordinary optical cable is used as a sensor and transmission media as well to sense and transmit all kinds of disturbances to the alarm panel through direct contact with the optical cable or through the carrier, such as soil cover, wire mesh, fence, etc. The system collects disturbance data and judges external disturbances through intelligent analysis and processing at alarm panel. So the system will realize early and real-time warning or real-time warning of intrusion detection. The threats in the periphery of the fortified area and in the core area of the fortified area will be found and treated immediately.

The intelligent optical fiber perimeter security system has the following advantages:The intelligent optical fiber perimeter security system has the following advantages:

1.The sensor components in the defense area are all optical cables without energy supply. Just 220VAC 25W power supply is needed for the alarm control panel installed in the monitoring room. The whole system has no other energy consumption, and the whole defense area does not need power supply.

2.Optical fibers and cables have stable performance, corrosion resistance and can be long-term used in humid climatic environment, even underwater and other environments.

3.The system uses optical fiber for transmission and detection, which has features of good anti-detection, anti-interference and anti-lightning strike. It can be used at electrostatic field with electromagnetic, radio frequency, wireless signal without interference.

4.All types intrusion action such as climbing, cutting and crossing of perimeter walls and fences will be detected. It can be used as buried intrusion monitoring around roadbed. It can be used to monitor rock falling, slope sliding and collapse in mountain.

5.Each defense area of the system can set monitoring parameters independently. It has good adaptability to various climatic conditions such as wind, frost, rain and snow. No interference from high temperature or strong sunshine, false alarm is largely reduced.

Optical cable vibration monitoring and alarm system OVSS consists of central control system and detection system.

The central control system is placed in the central control room, including the monitoring and management terminal (including PC computer, the management software of the optical cable vibration sensing and security system), alarm display screen, vibration detection equipment SI100 (including power supply unit, control unit, vibration detection unit), wiring rack and other optical circuit accessories (such as jumper, flange, optical cable terminal box, etc.).

The detection system is composed of optical feedback box, transmission cable and sensing cable.




1.False alarm caused by improper design and installation of alarm system

Problems of equipment installation location, installation Angle, protective measures and system wiring, etc.

(1)When the passive infrared intrusion detectoris installed in front of the air conditioner or ventilator, it will cause false alarm of the system.

(2)Outdoor active infrared detector is not properly protected from sunshine, which causes false alarm of the system.

(3)When the distance between the alarm line and the power line, lighting line and other strong electric lines is less than 1.5m, and no anti-electromagnetic interference measures are taken, false alarm of the system will be caused.

2.False alarm caused by user improper use

For example, a window with a door magnetic switch is not plugged in and is blown open by the wind at night. Staff entered into the protected area. Someone accidentally triggered the emergency alarm device. Error operation made by system operator. Not paying attention to the change of working procedure. It can greatly reduce the false alarm frequency of the alarm system by analyzing the user's improper use and making clear where the error is and improving the user's level of using the alarm system.

3.False alarm caused by environmental interference

For example: hot air flow causes false alarm of passive infrared intrusion detector; The high frequency sound causes the false alarm of single technology glass breakage detector; The ultrasonic source causes the false alarm of the ultrasonic detector. A more effective measure to reduce such false alarms is the use of double-sensors detectors (when two sensors with different principles simultaneously detect the "target", the alarm will send out an alarm signal).The products are: microwave - passive infrared double detector, acoustic - vibration glass broken double detector, ultrasonic - passive infrared double detector, etc. But some environmental interference detectors are useless. For example, rats are in the protection zone.Pets walking around in the house, etc.




Fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems ensure life safety and reduce property damage. Different fire alarm systems are used according to the type of building. Large buildings should adopt centralized fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system, medium-sized buildings adopt central fire alarm and fire extinguishing system, small buildings can adopt regional alarm system or wireless fire alarm system.

Automatic fire alarm system includes fire alarm host, smoke detector, heat detector, combustible gas leakage detector, manual call point , hydrant call point, the isolation module etc.

Addressable Fire Alarm System, Conventional Fire Alarm System and Wireless Fire Alarm System are divided according to different types and connection modes of fire system products.

You can easy shop professional fire alarm systems at Vedard security fire alarm system store.

Same type fire alarm system products are listed in one category, for example, at category of addressable fire alarm system, you can find addressable fire alarm panel, smoke detector etc. They are compatible and complete to consist a security alarm system to meet your security fire project needs.

At category of wireless fire alarm system, you can find wireless fire alarm control panel, wireless hydrant button, wireless repeater, wireless horn, wireless module. Vedard Security provides free technical support for installing fire alarm system. You can learn how to install fire alarm system, how to program fire alarm system at how to install fire alarm.

Fire alarm system needs to be installed and inspected by professionals. The smoke detectors and whole fire alarm system should be checked regularly. The smoke detector and gas sensors should be replaced after life time.

Contact vedard to get free technical support for installing fire alarm systems.




Gas fire extinguishing device and foam fire extinguishing device usually adopt independent fire extinguishing controller. When the fire detector in its protected area is directly connected to the fire extinguishing controller, the alarm linkage control of each stage and the feedback signal of the system shall be immediately fed back to the fire extinguishing linkage controller, and the fire extinguishing linkage controller shall start the alarm linkage control process according to the specification requirements.

After the fire linkage controller receives the feedback signal, is it necessary to activate all the fire audible and visual alarms and fire broadcasting in the building? Is it necessary to turn on the smoke control and exhaust system and the emergency lighting evacuation indicator system?

When receiving confirmation after a fire alarm signal, sound and light alarm should start building all fires, fire emergency broadcasting, should start the fire related area of the exhaust system (such as evacuation aisle, etc.) start the fire smoke of fire zone system, and should press the fire emergency lighting and evacuation indicating system technology standard to start the emergency lighting evacuation indicator system.

Refer to fire alarm and fire fighting diagram and manual at fire alarm.

There are three starting modes of the gas fire extinguishing system: automatic starting, manual electrical starting and mechanical emergency operation.

The automatic start of the gas fire extinguishing system is divided into manned protection area and unmanned protection area

Manned area:

1. In case of fire, the first detector (mostly smoke) in the protection zone sends a signal to the gas fire extinguishing controller, and the gas fire extinguishing controller starts the fire audible and visual alarm in the protection zone, and the gas fire extinguishing controller feeds back the alarm signal to the fire linkage controller. At this time, the sound and light alarm will alert the personnel in the protection area of fire, fire confirmation or emergency escape, but will not start the gas extinguishing device;

2, if no intervention at this time, the fire, the first two detectors (mostly heat) induction after the fire, the protection zone of acousto-optic alarm sounded at once, and now have been able to determine the fire really happened, then the gas fire extinguishing system, ready to start the system into the 30 s delay phase, in the delay phase, researchers continue to escape, And the system will make some preparations for the gas release, such as:

1) Close the air supply (exhaust) fan and air supply (exhaust) valve in the protected area:

2) Stop the ventilation and air conditioning system and close the electric fire valve set in the protected area;

3) Linkage control the start of the opening closure device in the protection area, including closing the door and window in the protection area;

(In this delay stage, if someone finds that the fire has been extinguished, they can press the "emergency stop button", then the system can still stop immediately, but once the delay time is exceeded and the next control link is entered, the emergency stop will be ineffective.)

3. After the preparation stage of 30S, the closure of the shutdown and the evacuation of the personnel should be completed, then the system controls the gas to spray and implement the fire extinguishing:

Firstly, control and open the head valve of the starting gas cylinder in the corresponding protection area to release the starting gas;

② Start the gas to open the selection valve of the corresponding protection area. After passing the selection valve, open the cylinder valve of the fire extinguishing agent bottle group to release the fire extinguishing agent;

③ Fire extinguishing agent can be opened through the selection valve, spraying into the corresponding protection area; The pressure signal device set on the pipeline is triggered in the process of discharge, and the pressure signal device can feedback signals to the linkage controller, and then control the "exhaust indicator light" outside the protection zone to light up, prompting not to enter the protection zone.

unmanned protection area:

As there is no protection zone, the relative "someone protection zone" control do not need to consider the process of evacuation, therefore in the protection zone of the first a detector signal sensing after the fire, will immediately close the valve, close the door, shut the fan action instruction, (you can see it no matter what kind of control, all want to consider the utilization of the gas discharge, The protected area needs to be closed), when the second detector detects a fire, immediately open the selection valve and other subsequent operations

Manual start

Manual emergency start can be achieved in two ways. One is the "emergency start" button outside the protection zone, and the other is the manual control button on the gas fire control controller. In this state, the detector sends out a fire signal and controls the host to start the indoor and external audible and visual alarms to notify the fire, but does not start the fire extinguishing system. At this time, press the "emergency start" button outside the protection zone or on the controller to start the fire extinguishing system, which will release fire extinguishing agent and implement fire extinguishing.

Mechanical emergency manual start

When the fire alarm control system fails, when both automatic and manual emergency start fail, and when the staff on duty judges it to be a fire, they should immediately inform all the personnel on site to evacuate the site. After all the personnel are confirmed to evacuate the site, mechanical emergency operation can be carried out according to the following steps:

1) Manually turn off the linkage device and cut off the power supply;

2) Pull out the "mechanical emergency start safety pin" on the electromagnetic drive of the start bottle in the corresponding protection zone, press the mechanical emergency start button, and the electromagnetic drive will open the start bottle to release the start gas and start the gas fire extinguishing system.




Digital address intelligent alarm and fire extinguishing system integrates a number of patented technologies, which can meet the needs of fire safety of large space buildings and automatically extinguishes fire in the initial stage of fire effectively in time to avoid the occurrence of disasters and accidents. Its application provides a new way for the improvement of large building fire control system from passive and static fire control to active and dynamic fire control, which is an independent innovative fire control engineering technology.

Addressing fire alarm system relies on each independent detector to provide detailed alarm information, while traditional fire alarm system can only provide alarm information for a specific circuit or area. Addressing or "smart" fire alarm systems are designed for large shopping mall buildings as well as more complex building networks. Analog addressing fire alarm system is more flexible and intelligent than traditional four-wire fire alarm system, and it is more advanced in recognition speed and control range.

The fire alarm controller is the heart of the automatic fire alarm system, which can supply power to the detector. It has the following functions:

1) It is used to receive the fire signal and start the fire alarm device. The device can also be used to indicate the location of a fire and to record information about it.

2) It can start fire alarm signal through fire alarm sending device or start automatic fire extinguishing equipment and fire fighting linkage control equipment through automatic fire extinguishing control device.

3) Automatic monitoring of the correct operation of the system and specific faults to sound and light alarm.




Electric fire monitoring system is early warning of fire. Before fire occurs, the electric fire detectors can send out alarm for notice. Electric fire monitoring is sub-system of fire alarm system. The electric fire monitoring system consists of electric fire monitoring panel, combined electric fire detector, residual current detector and heat detector. These components should consist a system and then the electric fire monitoring panel connects to central fire alarm system.

The electric fire alarm is early alarm before fire. So, the alarm information should be dealed separately.

How to set up the electric fire monitoring system?

1. In each power distribution cabinet, install an combined electric fire detector. It has function of 8 channels of accepting residual current detection or high temperature input. It will then be connected with electric fire monitor panel via 485 or 2-wire polar-bus wire.

2. Every loop live and neutral wired should go through a residual current detector. Then the outlet connect with combined electric detector.




What features does solar wireless beam have?

1. Solar wireless beam requires no wiring at all. It doesn't need battery changes at all.

2. Solar wireless beam has long protection distance up to 300-500 feet. And the radio can send to 500 feet far of receiver at home.

3. Solar wireless beam is unlike a motion detector. It prevents false alarm caused by wind, pet, sunshine.

Where can solar wireless beam be used?

Solar wireless beam can be used for protection of farm, property, house, pool, garage, parking lot. It can keep moose, raccoons out of rural property, pool, farm. It can be set up for front yard door, back yard door, fence.

Is it easy to install the solar wireless beam?

Yes. We provide detailed installation manual and video guidance at technical support alarm forum. The beam sensor should be mounted properly to avoid non-working or false alarm from wildlife. There are some details need attention.

1. Both transmitter and receiver beam should be fixed on bracket and on wall horizontally and on the same level. There is horizontal tube on each terminal to check this. And there is fine-tuning screws to adjust it.

2. The transmitter and receiver beam should be calibrated accurately. Through the calibration hole on both terminal beams, we can check this. And on the receiver terminal beam, there is LCD calibrator to show the accuracy.

Where can I buy the solar wireless beam?

The solar beam and additional alarm receiver, siren strobe, wireless repeater, indoor solar PIR etc. can be shopped at alarm store




What is the difference between alarm sensor types?

Smoke alarm and heat alarm are used to detect smoke and temperature rising from burning objects. CO alarm is used to detect carbon monoxide. Gas alarm is used to detect combustible gas leakage. So, we should install the alarm sensor at proper place. We should install smoke alarm in every bedrooms. And we should not install smoke alarm in kitchen room or bathroom. We should install combustible gas alarm and heat alarm in kitchen room if you are using natural gas or propane for cooking or heating. We should install CO alarm near the furnace, fireplace, basement.

How should I choose the alarm sensor?

For security, something simple and reliable is what you need. You just need to choose professional manufactured security alarm sensors. The brand is famous in the industry. The product has quality certificate of UL, EN etc. And there are too many types of environment security alarm sensors. For example, there are wired, wireless, smart Wifi or NB-Lot types, standalone type etc. From which, you should choose what you need and is suitable to install at the place you want to monitor. If you already have hybrid wired wireless home security system, you can add 4-wire alarm sensor to the host. That is reliable. If not, you may choose standalone AC powered or DC powered alarm. For CO sensor and combustible gas sensor, you can choose to wire with solenoid valve or manipulator to automatically shut of the gas source.

How to install the alarm sensor?

There is instruction with the product. For wireless or standalone sensor, you may just need to drill 2 holes, lightly hammer the drywall anchors in, screw the mounting bracket into the anchors and mount the sensor. For wired ones, you need to wire the signal cable and power cable to your alarm host. Look at video guide on how to connect 4-wire smoke detector. 

Precautions against false alarm

If in the middle night, the malfunctioning sensor wakes you up, you will go crazy with alarm ringing loudly on the ceiling. So, before shop and install the sensor, you should read some instruction to know your need. And ensure the sensor functions properly and safe after installation. Test it with test button and real smoke or CO with lighter. If you uses battery powered sensor, measure the battery capacity to ensure it.

Where can I find a technical support?

Vedard Security provides free technical support for all fire alarm, burglar alarm, home security systems installation and programming. You can post your question at alarm forum. You can shop any type CO alarm, smoke alarm, gas alarm, heat alarm at alarm store




How can the conventional regional alarm host or combustible gas control sub-system be connected to the centralized control alarm host?

Use centralized control alarm system input module to connect it. It can monitor the fault and alarm information.

Isolation module outgoing line is disconnected and it is still active, how to solve the problem?

Remove and re-wire the input wire. If it is still active, the diode or resistor inside the isolation module has been broken down and the isolation module should be replaced.

How does the gas extinguishing system start the extinguishing agent bottle without the starter bottle?

You can use a solenoid valve to start the extinguishing agent bottle.

Can the smoke exhaust fan be used as an exhaust fan at ordinary times?

Need to use a two-speed fan, high speed exhaust smoke, low speed exhaust air.

Electric fire detector leakage alarm, how to deal with?

Find the leaking cabinet, unplug the device's signal cable, and then re-register the host. Reconnect the wires after repair and re-register it on the host.

The gas fire extinguishing control panel reported the fire, but the centerized fire control unit did not show fire alarm, what is wrong?

1. Please check whether or not the network is ok. 2. If the network is ok, please check the setting of fire and fault etc.

If a fire occurs in the data room, will spraying IG54 or HFM-227E gas damage the running server after the gas extinguishing system is started?

1. IG54 is a gas extracted from the air that does not harm the equipment. 2. HFM-227E gas may pollute the atmosphere, but it does no damage to equipment.

When the fire alarm host is connected at two points, should the exhaust valve be opened and the fan be started at the same time?

The exhaust valve is opened by the two-point linkage of the main panel, and the feedback signal of the exhaust valve is connected to the conventional alarm panel at a single point to start the fan.




Gas fire extinguishing control system is mainly composed of gas fire extinguishing controller, fire detectors, manual /automatic switch, emergency start/stop button, sound/light alarm, gas spraying indicator light, etc.

Among them, Generally, smoke detectors and heat detectors are used as fire detectors.

Manual alarm button or other types of fire detectors can also be used in special cases.

Gas extinguishing controller linkage control gas fire extinguishing equipment, linkage control fan, Air valve fire valve, Ventilation and air conditioning, Automatic doors and Windows and other equipment. And receive feedback signals.

For CO2 fire extinguishing systems, It can also receive weightlessness alarm signals and Send weightlessness alarm.

Gas extinguishing system shall be controlled by a dedicated gas extinguishing controller.

The gas extinguishing controller is used for linkage control

There are two main types of gas extinguishing systems.

One type is with fire detection and alarm function. This kind of controller can connect fire detectors and all kinds of linkage control modules. It is equipped with automatic fire alarm and gas extinguishing fire control function. It can form a separate system. In case of fire, gas extinguishing controller will receive fire detectors or fire alarm signal from manual alarm button and send linkage control command. Achieve gas fire control function.

Another type is without fire detection and alarm function. This type of gas extinguishing controller only has single gas fire control function. It must be used in conjunction with fire alarm controller. The fire detector is connected to the fire alarm controller. In case of fire, The fire alarm controller receives the fire detector Or manual alarm button fire alarm signal. It sends instructions to the gas fire control unit. Then the gas fire control unit linkage controls related components to achieve the gas fire control function.

Fire detector with high sensitivity should be used in the protection area. The detector can alarm early to put out the fire early.

For protection zone, two different types of fire detectors should be selected. Smoke fire detectors and heat detector are usually used.

At special places, Other types of fire detectors or manual alarm button can also be used.

All kinds of detectors shall meet the specification requirements

The protected area was calculated separately and cross layout.

Sound and light fire alarm should be set inside the protected area. When first fire alarm signal received, it activate the sound and light fire alarm inside the protection zone. Warning personnel to evacuate.

At the outside of the zone exit, Sound and light fire alarms should also be provided.

After fire alarm is confirmed, it activates the sound and light fire alarm outside the protection zone.

The upper part of the outlet of the protection zone shall be equipped with a gas release indicator light

Gas extinguishing controller receives the feedback signal from the signal feedback device and activates the gas release indicator, warn personnel not to enter.

The pipe network gas extinguishing system has automatic control, manual control and mechanical emergency operation, total three starting modes.

Fire extinguishing device with prefabricated gas fire extinguishing system is set up in the protected area. People must evacuate in case of fire.

So the prefabricated gas fire extinguishing system only has automatic control and manual control, two starting mode.

Automatic control of gas extinguishing controller

Under automatic control status, there are two ways to control gas fire extinguishing.

Method 1: Smoke and heat compound alarm linkage

This is the most common control way. In the gas fire protection zone, smoke detectors and heat detector are generally used. When a detector triggers an alarm, the sound and light fire alarm in the protection zone is activated. When another different type of fire detector triggers alarm, the fire alarm information is confirmed. The sound and light fire alarm outside the protection zone is activated. At the same time, the linkage control signal is issued.

Fire extinguishing activation command will be issued after 0-30 seconds delay. Fire extinguishing device is activated.

In some special places, Other types of fire detectors may be required. It could be a manual alarm button or sort the different detectors.

Refer to the above smoke heat compound linkage

Method 2: Linkage of two independent fire alarm signals

In some special cases, you can have two independent fire detector alarm signal to confirm the fire alarm. Such as a fire detector with a manual alarm button compound signals to confirm the fire alarm.

When the first fire alarm signal goes out, it activate the sound and light fire alarm in the protection zone. When another fire alarm signal goes out, it confirms the fire alarm information. Then it activates the sound and light fire alarm outside the protection zone.

At the same time, the linkage control signal is issued. Fire extinguishing activation command will be issued after 0-30 seconds delay. Then it activates fire extinguishing device.

Manual control of gas extinguishing

Regardless of whether the system is at automatic control state or manual control state, manual control of gas extinguishing is always effective.

Manual control is performed through the emergency start-stop button.

Emergency start/stop buttons must be installed at the exit of the protection zone. On the control panel of the gas extinguishing controller, there's also an emergency start/stop button.

Emergency start stop button includes emergency start button and emergency stop button. After pressing the emergency start button, the gas extinguishing controller sends out linkage control signal.

Fire extinguishing activation command will be issued after 0-30 seconds delay activating fire extinguishing device.

The emergency stop button has the highest priority. Press the emergency stop button to terminate the fire extinguishing process.

Please also note that the fire activation order is irreversible.

Emergency stop button only works before the fire activation order is issued.

Mechanical emergency operation for gas fire extinguishing

Mechanical emergency operation means through manual operation to drive the electromagnetic drive device of the gas flat group to start.

Fire extinguishing

When the system fails automatically and manually, make sure the zone is cleared without personnel.

The safety pin of the drive gas flat group electromagnetic drive device in the corresponding protection zone can be pulled open. Press the start button on the upper part of the electromagnetic drive.

Direct start it.

In the absence of gas drive flat group or electromagnetic drive device manual failure. You can also manually open the selection valve. And then manually open the fire extinguishing agent flat group container valve. Start the fire extinguishing.

Conversion between manual control and automatic control

The switch between manual and automatic control can be implemented on the host of gas fire control. Some protection areas shall have manual and automatic switching devices outside the fenced areas.

When personnel enter the protection zone, it shall be possible to convert the fire extinguishing system to manual control.

When the personnel leave, it should be able to revert to automatic control.

Just to be safe

For a protected area where people are working, manual controls are always recommended.

When there is more than one prefabricated fire extinguishing device of the same type as 1 in the protection zone. They must be able to start at the same time. The action response time difference shall not be greater than two seconds.

A place with a fire control room

Information about fire control system in each protection zone should be transmitted to the fire control room.

Information to be transmitted to the fire control room includes the fire information, fire fighting action, manual and automatic conversion, and system equipment fault information, etc.

The setting position of the gas extinguishing controller

The gas extinguishing controller can be installed in the fire control room.

For ease of operation, it can also be set up in the duty room of the floor in the protection zone.

For no duty room with pipe network fire extinguishing system, you can consider setting in the bottle storage room.

For prefabricated fire extinguishing system without duty room, you can consider set in an easy to operate position outside the protected area.




The gas fire extinguishing system project requires the implementation of simulated start-up tests to verify the reliability of the gas fire extinguishing system. The simulated start test shall be carried out after the installation and debugging of gas equipment, alarm equipment and gas fire extinguishing equipment.

1. Manually start the experiment

2, automatic start test.

Preparation before test

Preparation before test

After the installation and debugging of the gas alarm system and fire extinguishing system, the test tools (stopwatch, sound level meter, multimeter, point-type smoke detector tester, point-type temperature detector tester, etc.) have been available.

Professional personnel should check whether all lines are properly connected. Under the guidance of professional personnel, the solenoid valve should be removed to start the gas fire extinguishing system for simulation test.

Four, test method

3.1 Manual simulation startup test can be carried out as follows:

Press the manual start button, and observe whether the relevant action signals and linkage equipment are normal (such as sound and light alarm, start the load response at the output end, close the ventilation and air conditioning, fire valve, etc.).

Manually activate the pressure signal feedback device and observe whether the gas injection indicator light outside the relevant protection zone is normal.

3.2 Automatic simulation startup test can be carried out as follows:

Connect the starting output end of the fire extinguishing controller with the drive device of the corresponding protection zone of the fire extinguishing system. The drive device shall be detached from the valve action mechanism. Alternatively, a load with the same starting voltage and current as the driving device can be used instead.

2. Manually simulate fire alarm to make any fire detector in the protection zone operate, and observe whether the relevant alarm equipment operates normally after the output of a single fire alarm signal (such as alarm bell, buzzer, etc.).

3. Manually simulate fire alarm to make another fire detector in the protection zone operate. After observing the output of the composite fire alarm signal, the relevant action signal and the linkage equipment operation are normal (such as sending out sound and light alarm, starting the load at the output end, closing ventilation and air conditioning, fire valve, etc.).

Five, test results judgment

The simulated start-up test results shall meet the following requirements:

1. The delay time is consistent with the set time, and the response time meets the requirements;

2. Sound and light alarm signals are correct;

3. The linkage device works correctly;

4 The driving device is reliable.

Six, test precautions

1. The test shall be carried out in strict accordance with the guidance of professional personnel to avoid damage to equipment or injury to personnel.

2. Before the test, the solenoid valve should be removed from the bottle set, so as not to start the gas extinguishing system by mistake.

3, after the test should be restored and check the system.


 The typical characteristic of short circuit overload is heat.

We can monitor and alarm the short-circuit overload by monitoring the temperature of the line or connection point.

Temperature measuring electrical fire monitoring detector can detect the change of temperature parameters in the protected line, and can monitor the abnormal temperature of the line or connection point.

The detector shall be installed in the key heating parts of the cable connector terminal.

Temperature measuring electrical fire monitoring and detection includes signal processing unit and temperature measuring sensor.

Temperature sensor measures the change of temperature parameters in the protected line. It is generally composed of thermistor or infrared temperature measuring element.

The signal processing unit receives the measured data of sensor temperature and parameters and analyzes the data.

Linear fire detectors (cable type, air tube type, distributed fiber, fiber grating, linear multipoint type, etc.) can also be used as temperature measuring electrical fire monitoring detectors.

For the convenience of unified management, their alarm signals can be connected to the electrical fire monitor.

The main setting principles of temperature measuring type electrical fire monitoring detector are as follows:

1. For distribution lines whose protection object is 1000 volts or less, the temperature measuring type of electrical fire monitoring detectors shall be arranged in contact mode

2. For the power supply line whose protection object is more than 1,000 volts, the temperature measuring type electrical fire monitoring detector should be selected as the fiber grating temperature measuring type or infrared temperature measuring type electrical fire monitoring detector.

Fiber Bragg grating temperature measuring electrical fire monitoring detector should be set directly on the surface of the protected object.

3. Linear thermal fire detectors can also be used for electrical fire monitoring in power and cable parts.

According to the system form, the temperature measuring type electric fire monitoring detector includes two types: independent type and non-independent type.

Independent detector with sound and light alarm function, can be used independently.

The non-independent detector can be connected to the host computer (electrical fire monitoring equipment) through the signal processing unit.

Rely on electrical fire monitoring equipment to achieve system functions. It doesn't work independently.